Saturday 22 October 2011

The Amazing Hobby of Model Rocketry

Model rocketry is one of the facsinating hobby that expand the horizon of our hand skill activities and thorough ingridient of what is actually is called as " Rocket Science! "

Modern world is full of ever expanding and enhancing things that our life is acquainted with and always will be. As a human being we are always in search for the quest of how?And why? Alongwith satisfaction to answer for how and why, one should always develope some skill which gives real meaning to the life. As nothing is much greater than satisfaction of having accomplished something and done it well.
Here we welcome that aspirants who really loves sky and has faith in technology to reach there. Here we organise most fulfilling, enjoyable, remarkable and wonderful experience for model rocketry.

What shall we learn here?

  • Science behind flying objects.

  • How to make solid propellant single engine model rocket.

  • Actual launching of self made model rocket to take it to new heights.

Coming Soon ............................................!!

Get Ready !!!!

Friday 16 September 2011

Mumbai Rocketeers

Trail of Model Rocket

The great “space dreamer” Konstatin Tsiolkovski once said “Earth is the cradle of humanity, but one cannot remain in the cradle forever.”

The realization that we now have the capability to leave the earth and explore space has developed within us a new awareness of the Space Age in which we are living. As each day passes, we become more and more aware of the exciting adventure that awaits us as we continue in our exploration of the newest and most challenging of all frontiers-Space.

Our new age has stimulated the teaching and learning of many new subjects and of these new subjects there is one that has stimulated the imagination of millions - Rocketry. It seems that nearly all at some time or another have had the desire to build and launch rockets.

The excitement generated by the Space Programme has stimulated a compelling within the young minds to build rockets. But building rockets is dangerous and most of the enthusiastic young people do not know where to begin. Because non professional rocketeers do not have expensive equipment, neither the training, nor the experience to build rockets from scratch, there existed a need for a safe, relatively inexpensive form of rocketry and this is how we are planning to launch the Mumbai Rocketeers a model rocketry club. People who are looking for build their own rockets this club will provide launch pad for their interest.

Welcome to Mumbai Rocketeers, my dear friends!!!!!

This blog is place where we can reach to one another. So, please don’t hesitate to speak with us. Soon we will start conducting model rocketry workshop. And will let you know about that. We will share some rocket science related news as well as some articles on model rocketry.

Hope you all will join to us in our coming orbit ahead…

Space Age Hobby - Model Rocketry

Model Rocket

Model rocketry is a scientific space age hobby. It can be an exciting pursuit for almost any age, though it’s best suited for ten years and above age group. Model rocketry brings together a host of hand-building modelling skills and thrilling time outdoors to create its unique experience. While the hobby can be pursued on an almost turn-key basis for some, those who delve into its fundamentals can undertake important personal growth, self-education and enhance their lives by becoming rocket scientists.

Modern space science is in fact the offspring of amateur rocketry dating to the early 20th century. But many amateur rocketeers don’t know where to start from as non-professional rocketeers do not have the expensive material, training, or any experience to build the rocket right from a scratch. for making a rocket you should join rocketry clubs where you can learn bulding rocket safely.

In its craft aspect, the model rocketry offers its constituents like the fun of cutting, gluing and painting the models themselves. Constructed of only lightweight materials such as balsa wood for fins, rolled paper tubing for the body, and some small amount of plastics, the models built are striking, yet easy to prepare, and provide several hours’ indoor activity working with the hands to get each model ready for flight. The final finishing is crucial for its performance, and modellers quickly learn how to make their models slender, sleek and slippery, to cut down drag (the air’s resistance), enabling higher altitudes to be attained in flight.

In model rocketry, propulsion is provided by using simple Diwali Rocket engines. The explosive part is removed before placing it in rockets for safety, without the fear of the danger of compounding chemicals to get the power needed for impressive flights.

On the launching day, the modellers enjoy the ritual of rocket launching like packing their supplies, engines batteries, launch stand and heading to a large open space to send their handiwork aloft. The models with their engines installed are placed on a launch stand. This guides the model until it gains enough speed to be stabilized by aerodynamic forces. Typically, this is a 1/8 inch rod about 3 feet in length supported by a stable base, which cannot be blown over by a wind gust. Model rocket engines are ignited for flight with incense stick from safe distance or it can be done remotely through an electrical ignition hooked to a small piece of heating wire inside the engine of the rocket.

 A model rocket recovery system

The second method is quite safe compared to the first one. Minimum distance for these systems place the rocket launch crew a safe ten feet from the model. The area around the launch of model rockets has to be clear of people; a countdown is initiated and the current is applied to ignite the rocket engine. With a significant whoosh, the model vaults skyward, accelerating rapidly to sometimes many hundreds of miles per hour. Several seconds later, having the engine burn out its propellant supply, the model may continue to coast upwards for seconds longer before a small charge deploys the recovery system. Typically, these are parachutes of plastic film, that return the model gently to earth, so it can be re-used in future flights.

Quite often, the launch team will have to use instruments to sight it on the model, so that calculation can be made of the model’s final altitude. This involves some mathematical calculation, and is often a younger rocketry hobbyist’s practical introduction to trigonometry. Those who are inclined have many options as they grow within the model rocket hobby. Specialties exist, such as models that glide for recovery, the space plane model. Some have fun with the pursuit of measuring in flight performance through radio transmitters on the model which send back telemetry of acceleration, spin-rate and the like. Model rocket is not only for fun and entertainment but it forms a very powerful tool of education. 

By using model rockets, one can teach the concept of rocketry to student. The head of rocketry club may make groups of students with leader for every group, can conduct activity related to model rockets, like construction of the rockets, design and fabrication of model rocket. Discussion with the students at different stages will help them in exchanging thoughts about the designing aspect of the models. Discussion about the performance of their models would help them to correct their mistake and design new experiments till they achieve the best result. Frequent competition between the groups will encourage the student to put in maximum efforts to get the best results.

It is not only about the making of rockets, but developing a scientific approach in them.